Haven't written anything here in while have I. Well that's because the full weight of grad school came crashing down on me between October and December. Was a tough few months but I made it out alive. Since the last entry I've done a few interesting things (well interesting to me)...first of which was attending the National Communication Association (NCA) conference in San Diego. Having never been to the West Coast it was something I'd been looking forward to and the trip didn't disappoint.
Apart from the excitement of the conference, it's a new year! New Year means new beginnings and I have a few resolutions I'm working on, the everpresent 'lose weight' is still at the top of the list :) And then of course, classes begin anew next week. This semester I'll be taking, Journalism, Qualitative Research and Public Opinion and Attitude Change..all in all I'm looking forward to tackling this New Year head on.
Signing out for now.
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