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Monday, September 29, 2008

All About Grad. School

So I'm in Grad. school! Honestly I don't feel any different. I always looked at graduate students as these mature, have-it-all-together kind of people but now that I'm here I realized that this is DEFINITELY not the case :)
But it is different from undergrad. I actually have to do the work! Trying to fake it definitely does not work, well at least not in my classes. My life has started to revolve around journal articles and citations...lol. So much so that I'm starting to feel like a mousy librarian minus the sexy glasses and piled up hair. My wardrobe is in dire need of a major upgrade. My hair is a mess...and can someone please get me a fortnightly pedicure?! *sigh*
But you know what ..I really shouldn't complain, in two years it'll all be over and provided the economy doesn't 'crater' (LOL) I'll have my dream job. So it's 12:17 a.m. and I'm about to jump back into the article abstracts.